Raven Forsaken World
Players Online:


  • Fixed lionheart chromatic badges drops on Friend of the Forest
  • Fixed health regen speed of Zodiak bosses out of combat.
  • You can trade Extended Soul Purse for Perfect Purse in Guild Treasure level 2 and above. Perfect Purse give a lot of better rewards.
  • Removed 3 day fashions(Rage Attack and Lady of the Night) from donator shop.
  • Removed pet skill Power of Trust III from hicks. Anyone with this skill, please remove from your pet. This skill has a bug that should have a 20% activation chance, but it is activated 100% of the time. After this announcement, anyone who does not remove the pet's skill will suffer a punishment in 48 hours. Alts will also be checked and all player accounts will suffer the punishment.
  • End of the new server leaves bonus. Now the voting system is back, but with a change. Votes unlock the weekly value and during weekends it will be doubled. For example, leaves start at 5 per hour, if the number of total votes unlocks 10 leaves per hour, this value will remain during the week and at the weekend it will be doubled to 20 leaves. The more votes, the more leaves/hour during the week and this value will be x2 at the weekend.
  • Recall of all Hero Coat of Arms. All hero coat of arms will have a recall. Some players took advantage of a bug and were able to farm more easily. As a form of punishment, I will be removing the stored hero coat of arms.

    Important information: Some players have taken undue advantage by using a pet skill that grants bonus attack 100% of the time. This skill had no mana cost and a low coldown. I'll give you 48 hours to remove the skill, but I know who the players are who took advantage of the bug. Some have already been punished with the removal of certain items and if they don't remove the skill, they will be severely punished.

Update using autopatcher (RavenFwLauncher.exe) or download the update manually.


  • The Heroes' Trial event. More info on event page.
  • Fixed Lunarshard and Healspark not increasing the amount of HE and CHE in status.
  • Guild Supplies Agent now has the mail service.
  • Trading Post Manager in the guild base now has the auction service.
  • Added Garnet and Darkblue fashions on Avari NPC for Battlefield points. This fashion is the same as Frostgale Fjord, with Garnet being red and Darkblue being blue. Fashion may contain a visual bug depending on the hair you have. It also hides other fashions that are equipped.
  • Added new Donator Packs in the Donator Shop: Dragonborn and Crystal.
  • Treasure Pack now has a chance to give a Title Pack II. This pack is available in the new event and has a chance to give new attribute titles.
  • Reduced the required amount of contribution for some guild constructions.
  • Increased the cost to uninstall Level 5 Runes to 3 Diamonds and Level 4 Runes to 1 Diamond.

    Important information about healing gems, you will need to remove them from your equipment and insert them again. This way the gem will display the correct value. This applies to old gems, whoever buys new ones will be ok.

Update using autopatcher (RavenFwLauncher.exe) or download the update manually.


  • Royal Executioner Biggs can drop 2 oblivion coins.
  • Charlotte: Mistress of Malice can drop 1 oblivion coin.
  • Removed Magic Token of Faith from pearl shop and added Super Token of Faith Box.
  • Removed Devil Pack from guild Rewards and added Treasure Pack.
  • Dragon titles now gives atributes:
  • Puffed the magic dragon, komog - + 2000 health, + 60 all resistances
  • Sicarius Dracorum, ivenia - + 120 attack, + 60 all masteries
  • Dragonbane, balerion - +5% critical chance, + 5% critical dodge + 300 defense
  • Spectral Offhands will need now an specific item to re id, called divine spectral scrolls. You can get divine spectral scroll packs at mailbox - special miscs
  • Reduced the needed level for spectral OH to 87 and Elite crafted to 85.
  • Elite crafted Offhand has a chance to come purple.
  • Created new rings and necklace recipes. These recipes will be avaiable on mailbox for magic token of faith. These rings have attack and defense version, but you can use 2 of the same if you want. The necklace have health and critical defense. Both rings and Necks have a chance do be purple during craft and have better status + 3 ids. if you use the complete set, you unlock extra atributes. These new items are called divine and need divine spectral scroll to re-identify. You can also fortify using star crystals and put gems.
  • Fixed hell road rewards prize messages in world chat.
  • Anyanka can drop 3 oblivion coin, dark chain and spectral crystal.
  • Horned Naga can drop evil flame, Gembox level 3 and Diamond Treasure Chest.
  • Green dragon can drop diamond treasure chest and level 5 advanced runes.
  • Relic Guardian and Eagle Berserker can drop 3x more gold chests and flare gem box level 3
  • Reduced the cost of old carnival weapons and added a new level 85 version. Avaiable on Porudock Leukas, Rainbow island.
  • Fixed Bloodstone V 0 chroma, with the visual bug.
  • Added Ring and Necklace Setting V to Simon, Gold2 tab.
  • Added Hard Mode quest teleport to Media's Servant in AS. You must to choose if you kill Media or Charllote. Once you unlock Luca doing quests, you can do both.

    Update using autopatcher (RavenFwLauncher.exe) or download the update manually.


  • Enabled Bard hero 2 HE set to use Meteor Crystal.
  • Snowclaw turned back to Giant Bear.
  • Fixed Santa borning dead. Whoever picked up the dead pet can exchange it for a new one at Hicks.
  • Added Star Fragment and Star Diamond on Rio, Badge Trade.
  • Added New Server Rewards to Henry, tokens will begin to be sent throughout the day and may take up to 48 hours for everyone on the list to receive them. The list will close once all rewards have been sent.
  • The previous Donator Pack I and II packages have been added to the Donator Shop. Now you receive a VIP ticket and can choose which pack you want to receive.
  • Level V gems with no chroma will now show that they have 1 chroma, but won't increase the chroma. This was necessary to fix the visual bug.

    Update using autopatcher (RavenFwLauncher.exe) or download the update manually.